54 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of Biotechnological Progress: The effect of changing management behavior

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    The paper assesses the welfare effects of biotechnological progress, as exemplified by tree improvements, using a partial equilibrium model. Timber demand is assumed to be stochastic and the distributions of the coefficients of the demand function are known. Assuming that timber supply is a log-linear function of timber price and forest inventory, we determine the coefficients of the supply function by maximizing the expected present value of the total surplus of timber production, both in the presence and in the absence of genetically improved regeneration materials. The supply functions are then used to estimate the expected present values of the total surplus in different cases through simulation. These estimates enable us to assess the direct effect and the total effect of the genetically improved regeneration materials on the expected present value of the total surplus. By taking the difference between these two effects, we obtain an estimate of the effect of changing harvest behavior induced by the use of genetically improved regeneration materials in forestry. The main results of the study are (1) the presence of genetically improved regeneration materials has significant impacts on the aggregate timber supply function; (2) application of genetically improved regeneration materials leads to a significant increase in the expected present value of the total surplus; (3) a considerable proportion of the welfare gain results from the change in timber harvest behavior; and (4) the use of genetically improved regeneration materials reduces the profits of timber production.timber market model; tree improvement; optimal harvesting decision; timber supply

    Impacts of Policy Measures on the Development of State-Owned Forests in Northeastern China: Theoretical Results and Empirical Evidence

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    State-owned forest enterprises (SOFEs) in northeast China and Inner Mongolia play important roles both in timber production and in the maintenance of ecological security. However, since the late 1970s, forest resource and economic crises have seriously restricted these functions. Based on a theoretical and an empirical analysis of the harvest and investment behavior of the SOFEs, we examined the effects of forest policies and the socioeconomic conditions on the behavioral choices of the SOFEs. Both the extent to which SOFE supervising authorities emphasized improvement of forest resources in their annual evaluations and the increases in expenses necessary to manage SOFEs had significant impacts on harvest and investment decisions as well as development of forest resources. Promoting the management and utilization of non-timber resources, as well as reforms to increase the efficiency of forest protection and management, have reduced timber harvests as intended, which in turn has increased investment and improved forest resources. The effects have been relatively small, however. In contrast, reforms aimed at timber harvest and afforestation activities actually contributed to increasing the timber harvest, which affected the development of the forest resources negatively.state-owned forest enterprise, “double crises,” sustainable forest management, forest policy

    Increasing forest biomass supply in Northern Europe - Countrywide estimates and economic perspectives

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    Nanostructured Indium Tin Oxides and Other Transparent Conducting Oxides: Characteristics and Applications in the THz Frequency Range

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    Transparent conductors are essential for optoelectronic components operating in the far-infrared or terahertz (THz) frequency range. Indium tin oxide (ITO), extensively used in the visible, is semi-transparent in the far-infrared frequency range. Other types of bulk transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), such as aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) and aluminum and ytterbium-doped zinc oxide (AYZO), have not yet been explored for THz applications. Recently, biomimic nanomaterials have been shown to exhibit exotic optical properties, e.g., broadband, omnidirectional antireflective properties. Indeed, nanostructured ITO was found to exhibit the above desirable characteristics. In this chapter, we describe the fabrication and characterization of several TCOs, including ITO nanomaterials and several types of bulk TCO thin films, e.g., AZO and AYZO. Performance of THz phase shifters with ITO nanomaterials as transparent electrodes and liquid crystals for functionalities is presented

    Kulutõhusad ja jätkusuutlikud puidukogumismeetodid

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    Metsa biomass on Läänemere piirkonnas väga oluline taastuvenergia allikas. Metsaraie käigus tekib tohutul hulgal raiejäätmeid, millest suurt osa oleks võimalik kasutada energia tootmiseks, kuid mis majanduslikel ja ökoloogilistel põhjustel jäetakse metsa. Valgustusraie käigus raiejäätmete ja väikeste puude kogumisel on kasvava taastuvenergianõudluse rahuldamiseks palju potentsiaali. Selle käsiraamatu eesmärk on suurendada taastuvenergia tootmist Läänemere piirkonnas, parandades ametiasutuste, metsa- ja energiaagentuuride, metsaomanike ja ettevõtjate organisatsioonide ning metsandusalase nõustamisega tegelevate organisatsioonide suutlikkust varajase harvendusraie käigus tekkinud raiejäätmete ja raiutud väikeste puude kogumise ja kasutamise edendamises. Käsiraamat koosneb viiest peatükist, milles antakse ülevaade metsa bioenergia rollist Läänemere piirkonna riikides: Eestis, Soomes, Saksamaal, Lätis, Leedus ja Rootsis. Iga metsakasvuetapiga seotud konkreetseid tingimusi kirjeldatakse tehnoloogilisest, majanduslikust ja keskkonnahoiu seisukohast. Käsiraamat tutvustab partnerriikide praeguseid puidukogumismeetodeid ja soovitab huvirühmadele parimaid tavasid. Selle eesmärk on võimaldada õppida individuaalselt ja organisatsiooniliselt uute metsa bioenergia rakendamise viiside kohta

    Экономически эффективные и учтойчивые методы заготовки древесины

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    Лесная биомасса является важным источником возобновляемой энергии в регионе Балтийского моря. Лесозаготовительная отрасль даёт колоссальное количество отходов, значительная часть которых могла бы быть использована в энергетических целях, но в настоящее время по экономическим и экологическим причинам остается в лесах. Под влиянием растущего спроса на биоэнергетическом рынке рождается потенциал увеличения объемов утилизации порубочных остатков и заготовки тонкомера при выполнении предкоммерческих рубок ухода. Данный справочник подготовлен в рамках проекта, целью которого является рост производства возобновляемой энергии в регионе Балтийского моря за счет повышения степени участия органов государственной власти, лесохозяйственных и энергетических агентств, объединений лесовладельцев и предпринимателей, а также консультационных организаций лесного сектора. Деятельность проекта направлена на содействие заготовке и расширению сферы использования порубочных остатков и тонкомерных деревьев от ранних рубок ухода. Справочник состоит из пяти глав, в которых представлен обзор роли лесной биоэнергетики в странах региона Балтийского моря - Эстонии, Финляндии, Германии, Латвии, Литве и Швеции. Конкретные условия, связанные с каждым этапом лесовыращивания, описываются с технологической, экономической и экологической точек зрения. Справочник предоставляет информацию о современных методах лесозаготовок в странах-партнерах и дает практические рекомендации для заинтересованных сторон, основанные на передовом опыте. Цель состоит в освещении новых подходов к проблеме лесной биоэнергетики как на индивидуальном уровне, так и на уровне организаций

    Cost-Effective and Sustainable Harvest Methods

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    Forest biomass is a highly important source of renewable energy in the Baltic Sea Region. Forest harvests produce a huge amount of residues, of which a large share could be used for energy purposes but are currently often left in forests due to economic and ecological reasons. There is a large potential in tackling the increasing demand for renewable energy by increasing the harvest of logging residues and small trees in pre-commercial thinning. This handbook aims to increase production of renewable energy in the Baltic Sea Region by improving the capacity of public authorities, forest and energy agencies, organisations of forest owners and entrepreneurs and forest advisory organisations to promote the harvest and use of logging residues and small trees cut in early thinning. This handbook consists of five chapters to provide an overview of the role of forest bioenergy in the Baltic Sea region countries – Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Sweden. The specific conditions related to each forest growing phase are described from technological, economic, and environmental viewpoints. The handbook provides knowledge on the current harvesting methods in the partner countries and finally recommends best practices for the stakeholders. The aim is to learn about new approaches to the forest bioenergy individually and organisationally

    Kosteneffiziente und nachhaltige Holzerntemethoden

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    Forstliche Biomasse ist eine wichtige Quelle erneuerbarer Energien im Ostseeraum. Bei der Holzernte fallen große Mengen an Resten an, von denen ein großer Anteil für die Energieerzeugung genutzt werden könnte. Diese verbleiben aber weitgehend im Wald – sowohl aus wirtschaftlichen als auch aus ökologischen Gründen. Es gibt ein großes Potenzial, die steigende Nachfrage durch die vermehrte Ernte von Schwachholz und Nutzung von Waldrestholz zu decken. Dieses Handbuch soll dazu beitragen, die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien im Ostseeraum zu erhöhen, in dem es öffentliche Entscheidungsträger, Forstverwaltungen und Energieagenturen, Organisationen von Waldbesitzern und Unternehmern darin unterstützt, Methoden zur Ernte und Nutzung von Waldrestholz und Schwachholz bekannter zu machen und für diese zu werben. Das Handbuch gibt in fünf Kapiteln einen Überblick über die Rolle von Waldenergieholz in einigen Ostseeanrainerstaaten – Estland, Finnland, Deutschland, Lettland, Litauen und Schweden. Die Besonderheiten jeder Wachstumsphase eines Waldbestandes warden von technischer, wirtschaftlicher und ökologischer Perpektive beschrieben. Das Handbuch stellt den aktuellen Stand des Wissens zu Holzerntemethoden in den Ländern dar und leitet Schlussfolgerungen für Best Practices für die Stakeholdergruppen ab. Es kann genutzt werden, um individuell oder im Rahmen von Schulungen neue Zugänge zum Thema Energieholz zu finden

    Rentablas un ilgtspējīgas mežizstrādes metodes

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    Meža biomasa ir ļoti svarīgs atjaunojamās enerģijas avots Baltijas jūras reģionā. Mežizstrādes gaitā rodas milzīgs atlieku daudzums, lielu daļu no kurām varētu izmantot enerģijas iegūšanai, taču ekonomisku un ekoloģisku apsvērumu dēļ tās tiek atstātas mežā. Mežizstrādes atlieku un mazo dimensiju koku ieguves palielināšana jaunaudžu kopšanā ir potenciāls veids, kā apmierināt pieaugošo pieprasījumu pēc atjaunojamiem enerģijas avotiem. Šīs rokasgrāmatas izveides mērķis ir veicināt atjaunojamās enerģijas ražošanu Baltijas jūras reģionā, uzlabojot valsts iestāžu, meža un enerģijas aģentūru, meža īpašnieku un uzņēmēju organizāciju, kā arī meža konsultāciju organizāciju iespējas veicināt mežizstrādes atlieku un mazo dimensiju koku, kas zāģēti agrīnā kopšanas laikā, ieguvi un izmantošanu. Šī rokasgrāmata ietver piecas nodaļas, kurās sniegts pārskats par meža bioenerģijas lomu Baltijas jūras reģiona valstīs – Igaunijā, Somijā, Vācijā, Latvijā, Lietuvā un Zviedrijā. Katram meža augšanas posmam raksturīgie apstākļi ir aprakstīti no tehnoloģiskā, ekonomiskā un vides viedokļa. Rokasgrāmatā sniegtas zināšanas par pašreizējām koksnes ieguves metodēm partnervalstīs un dotas rekomendācijas ieinteresētajām pusēm par labāko praksi. Nospraustais mērķis ir individuāli un organizāciju līmenī apgūt jaunas pieejas meža bioenerģētikai